Kevin’s Cards Live Painting Demos

Last year, Kevin’s Cards did live painting demos at the Alameda County Fair after going on hiatus from 2017 – 2022.

While the concept was nice, it was slower than I anticipated mainly due to the number of people that saw me paint and a weak advertisement. On a positive note, they actually liked seeing me paint in person. The question is how could this improve?

During a meeting with Michele Plunge, I had her ask some of the fair staff members what paintings they would like for me to paint. This was one of the more difficult decisions we made, but in the end we came up with four new paintings.

The Kevin’s Cards Painting Demo will be returning to the 2024 Fair June 22 – 23 starting at 2 PM. In addition to the new paintings, I’ll be giving away free raffle tickets for prizes that I’ll raffle off at the end of each demo.

Here’s the full schedule of what paintings I’ll be doing along with the raffle prizes:


*Southwest Desert (2 PM) (RAFFLE)

Greeting Card Raffle (2:45 PM)

Midnight Waterfall (4 PM)

Painting Raffle (4:45 PM)



*Lighthouse Sunset (2 PM) (RAFFLE)

Best of Kevin’s Cards Book Raffle (2:45 PM)

The Farm (4 PM) (Dedicated to the Alameda County Fair Foundation)

Painting Raffle- (4:45 PM)


This will lead up to the Kevin’s Cards “That Summer Feeling” Sale at Maker’s Market during the last week of the fair. Be sure to tell all your friends, relatives, neighbors and colleagues to stop by because you don’t want to miss out on this!

Hope to see you there!