Yesterday’s sale was another good one.
Since the Alameda County Fair posted a blog on their website about my experience at Artist Alley called Dreams Come True at the Fair, I did another live video where I summarized the blog because this meant a lot to me. When I showed it to Erika, I thought for sure she was going to get emotional. Well, she almost did!
As I did the past few days, I went to see Michele Plunge since she has been my good luck charm so far. Sure enough, it happened again as someone bought a painting, followed by a fair staff member buying a calendar.
Then I thought for sure my luck was going to run out. I ended up getting back to back card sales. Towards the end of the night, I sold two calendars and another card. Overall, Michele’s luck has done it once again or else it would be the same slow day earlier this week.
As we enter the final day, I hope for a huge turnout and something miraculous to happen!